Wednesday, July 4, 2012


We left our hotel to start our trip home on Thursday morning at 6:15, and after a 2 1/2 hour van ride to Hong Kong, a 15 hour flight from Hong Kong to Chicago, a 2 hour flight from Chicago to Charlotte, and a 2 hour drive home from Charlotte (with a stop at Chick-fil-a on the way), we pulled into our driveway with a little girl in the backseat of our car.  It was one thing to have her with us in China, but it was a very surreal feeling to actually bring her home with us!

It was so fun to introduce the kids to each other!  It didn't take them long to get out the toys and start playing together (even though it was about 11:00 p.m.).

So here we are, after a year of waiting, hoping, and praying.  We've added a tiny girl with a huge personality to our family, and we couldn't be more thankful for God's grace and His provision!

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